Signs of Heavy-Duty Truck Suspension Problems
Heavy-duty trucks must maintain optimal performance throughout every long trek. However, suspension systems can quickly fall apart without proper care and observation. Here are signs of suspension problems in heavy-duty trucks.
Bumpy, Hard To Control Driving
The purpose of a suspension is to maintain smooth, stable driving for your truck. However, when a problem occurs in your suspension, it can result in a more bumpy, hard-to-control driving experience.
Bumpy driving can indicate issues with your suspension system and shock absorbers. Of course, all vehicles can bounce a bit when driving over potholes, but you should take your truck in if it’s responding negatively to mild road obstacles. A functional suspension is crucial for a safe, comfortable driving experience.
Uneven Tire Tread
One indicator of suspension issues is the tread on your tires. If you notice uneven tread on your tires, it could be from a misalignment. Additionally, it can also alert you to issues with steering or braking systems.
It’s common for tires to wear down over time. So, knowing when to replace your tires and how to identify wear and tear can help you spot unexpected or unusual tread patterns. Heavy-duty truck tires last between three to six years, so it’s crucial to track any cases of uneven, atypical tread.
Truck Veering to One Side
Poor steering response is one obvious sign of suspension problems in your heavy-duty truck. If your truck starts veering to one side while driving, start by assessing your tires first for balance issues. Then, if you’ve gotten them realigned recently, you can move forward with assessing your suspension system by checking shock absorbers, suspension bushings, and tie rods.
Fluid Leakage
There are many vital parts of your suspension, including hydraulic fluids. Hydraulic fluids work inside the truck’s shock absorber to help stabilize the vehicle when you hit a bump.
However, if you experience fluid leakage, your shocks should have accumulated cracks. When your vehicle is leaking fluids, it’s time to check your suspension. Next time you look under your heavy-duty truck, check for visible oiliness on your shocks.
Van Horn Truck Parts is the number one source for truck and trailer parts, carrying an extensive range of aftermarket replacement parts. Our high-quality semi-truck suspension parts perfectly fit commercial trucks and trailers, providing optimal performance. If you have any questions about our aftermarket truck and trailer products, contact us today.